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New Website Templates & Builder

In the age of armchair house-hunting, a home’s Screen Appeal determines whether buyers want to see it from the curb to begin with. Our new website builder and templates help you take control of your listing’s first impression and stand out in a real estate world transformed by the web.

What do I need to do?

We’ll begin automatically rolling out the new website builder to orders placed after May 15th. You don’t need to do anything to be enrolled.

How can I learn more?

If you’d like to learn how to make the most of your experience with the new website builder, check out our Knowledge Base or schedule an onboarding call with a member of our team.

What’s new?
New Templates

Don’t just go live—make an entrance

Template styles

Say hello to two new templates with a third on the way—crafted to complement architectural styles found throughout the Bay.


Masonry. Albums. Slideshows. Even all three at once. Your photo galleries have never looked better or been more customizable.

Contact & schedule

Draw buyers in with your stunning website. Secure leads with clear, concise contact and scheduling forms. Now including Calendly.

Previous listings

Build trust in your brand with a portfolio of your past Property Websites. Curate your favorites, or show off your most recent listings.

New Builder

Craft the perfect story for every listing

Inline editing

Add, delete, move, and edit content in a preview of your website without leaving the builder. Crafting stories for listings has never been easier.

Design flexibility

With a large library of prebuilt and custom sections, create a working website in minutes, or customize to your heart’s content.

Data & analytics

How many people are visiting your site? Where are they coming from? Track your site’s performance with simple, reliable analytics.

Password protection

Build beautiful websites for private listings and control who has access with easily configurable password protection.

All features

Endless website layouts

Take full control of how you tell your listing’s story with customizable content blocks for text, rich media, forms, scheduling, agent details, and more. We’ve made creating totally unique Property Websites easier than ever.

Inline editing & previewing

Edit your website as your visitors see it in a live preview. Add or delete sections and content, move them around, and type marketing copy, all without leaving the Open Homes website builder or needing to publish first.

Quick-setup wizard

Get beautiful, functional websites up and running for your listings in just a few minutes with our guided quick-setup wizard. All of your content is uploaded automatically, and you only need to enter your listing details once.

New gallery styles

Albums. Masonry. Slideshows. Even all three at once. Your Open Homes property and neighborhood galleries have never looked better or been more customizable so you can tell the perfect visual story for every listing.

Automatic content uploading

Photos, videos, floor plans, and virtual tours ordered from Open Homes are added to your website as soon as they’re ready. Edit their appearance, or simply publish your website if everything looks good as is.

Free neighborhood content

Enhance your Property Website with a free neighborhood photo gallery and description customized for your listing’s location, allowing you to tell an expanded version of the home’s story with details about its surroundings.

Coming soon & password protection

Control who has access to your websites and when they can access them with coming-soon pages and password protection. Switch to the full website automatically when your listing goes live, or launch manually if you prefer.

Scheduling & contact tools

Manage open houses, broker tours, and other event announcements with ease. Plus, generate leads by allowing visitors to submit messages or contact your email or phone number directly through the Contact section.

Calendly integration

If you use Calendly to manage private showings and other appointments, easily connect your account so that all of your Open Homes Property Websites automatically integrate with your Calendly schedule.

Agent & team bios

Introduce yourself or your team, list your contact information, and dynamically include co-listers, all displayed automatically based on global information in your user profile and invited listing collaborators.

Recent listings

Build trust in your brand and publicize your portfolio with links to Property Websites of your past listings. Select and curate your favorites, or automatically populate the section with your most recent listing websites.

Custom domains & permalinks

Every website includes a custom domain for 1 year. Once the custom domain expires, every website lives on through a portfolio permalink, forever accessible to help you showcase your expertise and experience.

Mobile optimization

With over half of modern web traffic originating from mobile devices, we’ve made sure all of our Property Website templates are accessible and look stunning on any screen size, big or small, so buyers have a great experience anywhere.

Branded & MLS-compliant links

Every Property Website from Open Homes includes a branded link to market yourself alongside your listing and an unbranded link compliant with MLS requirements. You get to choose which version is displayed where.

QR codes & easy sharing tools

Whether you need a web address for a flyer, a QR code for a sign, or an eye-catching link for social media, share your website with potential buyers anywhere, any time in just few clicks with our easy-to-use sharing tools.

SEO optimization & link previews

Easily edit title and description meta tags crawled by Google to help buyers find your Property Website organically through Google. Also, customize how your website looks when shared as a link on social media.

Built-in data & analytics

Discover who’s visiting your websites, where they’re coming from, and other site performance metrics through the new built-in Analytics page, easily accessible for every Property Website in the builder.

Google Analytics & Tag Manager

If you prefer to use your own Google account to track visitor and traffic data through Analytics and Tag Manager, easily connect it to your Open Homes Property Websites to access advanced features from Google.

Unlock the power of
Screen Appeal

Book an boarding call to find out how stunning content and websites can maximize listings, increase sales prices, and reduce stress.

Book an onboarding call

Become a Screen Appeal pro and learn all there is to know about the Open Homes website builder’s new features.

Visit the Knowledge Base