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“What You Get for $1.5 million in California”

“What You Get for $1.5 million in California”
December 15, 2021 Sierra Freeman

Click here to the full article as featured in The New York Times!

“This apartment is one of three tenancy-in-common units in a converted Edwardian-style house, with shared parking and outdoor space. The property is less than half a block from the Panhandle, a narrow public park connected to Golden Gate Park, and some of Golden Gate Park’s best known spots, including Hippie Hill, Robin Williams Meadow and Fuchsia Dell, are within walking distance. The main campus of the University of San Francisco is a few blocks away, and many of the neighborhood’s businesses cater to the student population.”

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Want to check out other famous houses we’ve shot? View our blog posts on the Flintstone home in Hillsborough, the incredible Ghirardelli Mansion or the Feusier Octagon House.


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