The Top Questions We Get About Drones in Real Estate Marketing

The Top Questions We Get About Drones in Real Estate Marketing
August 4, 2024 Sierra Freeman

We’re here to address some of the most common questions we get from homeowners and agents about drones and how they’re used  in real estate marketing!

1. Why use drones for real estate?
Drones are becoming increasingly popular in real estate because they provide dynamic, high-quality aerial photography and videography, offering potential buyers a broader perspective of the property and surrounding area. This is particularly useful for showcasing large estates, homes with unique landscaping, or properties in scenic locations. Drones can capture sweeping views, highlight proximity to amenities, and offer an overall sense of the property’s scale.

2. How long does a drone shoot take?
A typical real estate drone shoot can last 1-2 hours depending on the property size and the complexity of the shots. Aerial Stills (photos) take around 15-20 minutes, and Aerial Video typically lasts around 25-45 minutes. This can include multiple flights and battery changes (if necessary), as well as reviewing footage to ensure all angles are covered. Generally, aerial photography and videography is one of the quickest services we offer.

Plus, since our team members don’t need access to the home for aerial footage, you can choose to save yourself a trip to the property and schedule the appointment as a “Go-Anytime” appointment!

3. Is it ok to fly a drone in hot weather?
Drones can typically be flown in hot weather, although our drone operators may need to stop to give the drone a chance to cool down so they don’t overheat. One of our team members has even been known to pop his drone in the fridge to help it cool off (YMMV!).

4. Can you fly drones in the rain?
Flying drones when there is moisture in the air  is not recommended. Most drones are not waterproof, and rain can damage the electrical components and affect flight performance, leading to potential crashes. If we cannot complete Aerial Stills or Aerial Video due to rain, we will reschedule at no cost to the client. Learn more about how we manage rainy days here (spoiler: we automatically add blue skies for you – for free!).

5. Can you fly anywhere in the Bay Area?
No, there are some areas where we cannot fly. If you order aerial footage, our Customer Service team will check the location to ensure we can indeed fly drones there. You can also check the property yourself using FAA-approved apps like  AirControl or AirHub. These apps will display restricted areas and show if the property is located in a no-fly zone.

Generally speaking, most areas are green zones for flying. However, we cannot fly over airports or government buildings. There are also temporary restrictions for events such as Fleet Week in San Francisco.

6. I’m a neighbor. What happens if a drone flies over my house? Are you allowed to fly a drone near my house? Can a drone see inside a house?
Most neighbors understand that our drone operators are focused solely on capturing the listing and not on the surrounding houses. However, from time to time, our team members encounter an upset neighbor who feels their privacy is being invaded.

To clarify, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates airspace, and each of our drone operators holds a valid commercial FAA license to fly called a Part 107 License. The airspace above a home is generally understood to extend only as high as the owner can reasonably use—such as tall trees, additional stories on a home, or solar panels. Simply put, homeowners have control over the space they actively use above their property. This means that drones can legally fly over personal property, as long as they do not hover intentionally over it without permission.

As for concerns about drones seeing inside homes: for a drone to capture a clear view inside, it would have to be extremely close to the building. Our drone operators have no reason to fly that close to a neighboring property. Instead, they typically capture footage of the subject property from a safe distance and zoom out to show the broader neighborhood. At no point do they focus specifically on neighboring homes.

If you intend to order aerials, you may want to speak to neighbors ahead of time to keep them in the loop about the upcoming appointment. You can even share a sample video so they have a sense of how we film with the drone and what will appear in the video.

7. How do I get aerial photos of my house?
Whether you’re a homeowner or an agent, this is one job that’s better left to the pros. To hire one of our experienced, licensed drone operators, just fill out our Order Form and select whichever aerial products you’d like. If you have any additional questions about drones, which types of aerial services would be a good fit for your property, or anything else, please reach out!


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