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“Nicolas Cage’s former S.F. mansion for sale after 2020 fire: ‘It’s a great deal’”

“Nicolas Cage’s former S.F. mansion for sale after 2020 fire: ‘It’s a great deal’”
February 15, 2024 Sierra Freeman
Nicolas Cage Pacific Heights Mansion

The mansion’s current state is shown on the left, with Open Homes’ Virtual Renovation on the right

SF Chronicle has highlighted a Pacific Heights home formerly owned by Nicolas Cage, among other notable figures.

According to seller’s agent Helena Zaludova of Compass, the current owners bought the home in 2019. In 2020, a fire broke out and a part of the rear portion of the home was damaged. “‘All of the structural damage has been repaired, [Zaludova] said, and the house is in good shape, but parts still sport plywood floors and framing with unfinished walls and ceilings.'”

Click here to continue reading the article in SF Chronicle.



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