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COVID 19 News: Our updated policy (June 15th, 2021)

COVID 19 News: Our updated policy (June 15th, 2021)
June 19, 2020 John Hayes

In keeping with CAR®, City, County, State, and CDC Guidelines, we have updated our terms of service. Please see the updates below.

  1. If everyone is vaccinated, masks indoors are optional.
  2. If anyone at the property is not vaccinated, masks should be worn and social distancing guidelines should be followed.

There is no longer any limit on the number of agents, tenants, home owners, or contractors who may be onsite while our Visual Artists are working. However, we do ask that agents keep the number of people onsite during an appointment to a minimum to allow the Visual Artists to efficiently complete their work.

Just as we did pre-pandemic, we ask that the property be completely ready to photograph when our team members arrive. We do not require our Visual Artists to help move furniture, rearrange items, or clean any portion of a property. Please assist us in making the appointment run as smoothly as possible by ensuring the home is completely ready to shoot.

For tips on how to ensure a smooth appointment, check out our blog post on how to prepare your home for photography.


We would also like to take a moment to thank our clients who continued to support us as we implemented strict guidelines at the beginning of the pandemic. We felt then, as we do now, an obligation and commitment to the safety of our clients, team members, and community. We appreciate your continued patience and cooperation in helping to stop the spread of the virus.


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